Tuesday, January 7


Dreams is probably one of the most interesting topics. People talk about it as if it's real yet not at the same time. But, I do believe that dreams is way for God to communicate to us humans.

So.. these past Christmas break of ours, I've been dreaming a lot of times. Some are bad and some are good ... but I chose not to write it down like I did many times before. Part of it is because I'm really lazy and I'm not good at describing things. (Heck, I can't even write down what I'm feeling these days. Believe me I've tried.)

It actually scares me to remember those dreams even if they're good. Though I did tried to remember it quickly as I woke up. Lol, but really it scares me cause I might want to just live in that dream if they're too good or just not remember it cause its too painful.

Ugghh.. Dreaming is a bit depressing cause it's always in a form of a code that our brains can't decrypt. Though I know that some part of my dreams speak things I didn't know about me and probably some part of it are warnings from God. How do I know these? I ask God for discernment every time I woke up after a dream. In some way... while mulling over my dreams I just know that God gave some sort of interpretation or meaning behind these dreams.

 I'm pretty sure I'm not making sense here (Sorry, I'm a confusing being).

 I really just want to write and my writing skills have been rusty.. so forgive me for this poor post.

Thursday, June 6

What Really Happened ...

First, I’ll buy a book ...
Second, I’ll download movies ...
Third, I’ll be going to this annual camp ...
Fourth, I’ll be continuing my driving lessons ...
Lastly, I planned on losing some weight ...

Wew! A month has already passed by... Summer break is over and tomorrow our classes begin. Remember my blog post about summer plans? Yeah .. those are the list above. You see only two of those actually came true! So.. the third and fourth one did happen. I'm pretty much a bit disappointed with it 'coz it's another proof of how lazy I am. 

I had a GREAT fun at the camp! You see, it's a camp where pastors and elders teach us about God. For most people, it may sound boring, but it's not. I mean, if  they really just know God and desire Him, they'll see everything in a whole new different perspective. Anyways, even before the camp, I really had the desire to recommit my life to Jesus. I just went through the most dry season of my spiritual walk last term. AND SO, I'll do my best to become Christ-like. It's easier said than done though but I trust in God that He'll provide for me the strength and courage to do so. 

The second one that did happen was the driving lessons. IT WAS AWESOME! I mean, the feeling that I can finally drive is just so awesome. At first, it was a bit hard 'cause driving requires focus. You see, I get interested in a lot of things, therefore I also get distracted by a lot of things which makes me a person with a short attention span. Hahaha that's what happens when observing the surroundings become a habit. So, my brother accompanied me to get a non-professional license. Just to be honest, I'm not really happy of how I got it because my dad has some connections and that made the process a lot easier but it a lot dirtier too. I don't wanna talk about it now 'cause a different story. 

All in all, my vacation was somehow productive and fun, though I haven't really done anything related to my studies. I mean, I did planned to practice drawing and digital painting but, sadly, I failed. But hey! everything worked for good. I got to know God more and he took my relationship with Him on a higher level. I'm really excited what more things will happen as the new term starts.

God Bless everyone! 
All glory to GOD!!

Tuesday, April 23

School Is Over!!!

Yeaaah!! I can finally rest and do all the stuff I've planned for this summer. There's no pressure, stress and all school-related stuff to worry about.

Because I'll be spending most of my time in front of my laptop, I might as well continue blogging for the sake of improving my English.

Now, I'll be talking about the highlights of my third term at Asia Pacific College.

The Float, and the Speech Choir

Our Last Working Day
For the first half of this term, nothing much happened except for the making of our groups float. This float is for the opening parade of the School of Multimedia Arts Week (SoMA Week). We spent two months planning and working on this float. It's concept is based on the movie called "Treasure Planet". Thus, it's a space pirate ship. This ship of ours was the smallest because we weren't informed that we can go beyond the limit, which is 6x6 feet. Despite that, we kept going and finished what we started. We didn't win but I'm sure that the crowd really liked our performance. It was that EPIC.

Me (with the awkward smile) and Louis
After our midterms, we had the Speech Choir for the finals of our PUBSPE2 class. We weren't able to practice it until after the float thing. I volunteered as one of the leaders and it was a pretty hard job. Honestly, I don't have that much experience with performances, but thankfully, most of my classmate do. So, I assigned those people to a task they're best at. With this, most of our block is working. I didn't really help a lot since I wasn't the one who conceptualize. Everything was from my classmates and I just put together they're ideas and make sure everyone's suggestion gets heard. Another difficulty I faced as the leader was making sure that everyone listens. It was really hard because most of my blockmates are playful and they get distracted easily by the gadgets around them.

During our practices, we had some help from our seniors. They were our critics. If it weren't for their comments and suggestions, we wouldn't have come up with a good performance. So... thank you to Ate Enne, Marvin and Addonie. We really appreciate your help! Also thanks to Louis. He's the one who conceptualize most parts of the performance.

In the end, we were the 2nd runner up (3rd place) in the competition.

Even if this kind of activities are stressful, I did enjoy it. I got to know more my blockmates and their strengths and weaknesses. We had a lot of bonding time and fun times during the practice.

I'm really glad to be a part of ABMA123

Sunday, April 14

18 - Summer Stuffs

My plans for the summer

Ice cream, beach, sun, and more ice cream!!!

Hey! It’s already summer here in the Philippines. Teenagers like me should be having fun, going to the province, or swimming by now, but here I am, doing my projects and home works. Classes are on-going. Professors are still waiting for our project for finals.

One word.


I bet this is going to be my shortest vacation ever. By the time this term ended, I’ll have a month left to enjoy the summer, so I already planned what to do with it.

First, I’ll buy a book about ‘How to learn Spanish’. I’ve always wanted to learn a foreign language aside from English, that is. Besides, Spanish is a pretty cool language. It is much easier to learn than French. I just hope I can study it myself. I really can’t afford to enroll.

Second, I’ll download movies to watch. These past months, I haven’t updated myself on what are the latest movies. And probably, I’d watch some Korean or Japanese series. I really miss the days when I can just relax and not worry on failing.

Third, I’ll be going to this annual camp with my siblings. I’m really excited to go. It’s the only place where I can forget all the hassle in a city life. Plus, I’ll meet new friends. It’s going to be a four day camp, so I’ll be away from my parent for almost a week. Yey!

Fourth, I’ll be continuing my driving lessons with my dad or my brother. I can’t wait for it! Though, I bet, I’ll be really nervous and I’ll probably panic on the road. My dad is really strict about driving because he, himself, has been a driver half of his life. I’m a bit scared to make a mistake while he’s teaching me. God help me.

Lastly, I planned on losing some weight. Being a multimedia artist, I spend most of my time sitting and doing something on my laptop. Doing so, I probably gained some weight by now. I really don’t want to be bigger than I am now. Buying clothes would be more difficult and I don’t want that to happen.

So, that’s what I’m going to do with my summer. It’s not really that great ‘cause I’ll be staying at home. I’ll just lie around and maybe do some cleaning too. Well, I really can’t do anything else. I’m still a student and I don’t have money, but I still hope to have a fun summer.

Monday, April 8

17 - Benefits from my Hobby

"What is your hobby? Why do you like it?"

Hobbies are something we do whenever we find ourselves idle. It can also be something that we do when we want to get our minds off of things that are making us stressed. Maybe, it’s also what we do when we just had a gloomy day.  So, whenever I am idle, stressed, or feeling gloomy, I’d lock myself in one of our bedrooms and play games in my PSP.

I’m not really sure if playing counts as a hobby, but still it’s one of the things I do in my spare time. Playing games never fail to make me entertained during boring times at home and even at school. Also, I do it to relieve stress. Instead of punching stuffs, I’ll just play Tekken or Naruto, and I would take it out on whoever my opponent is.  It’s pretty violent, but it doesn’t hurt anyone. It’s just my PSP.

One more thing, playing games does wonders to decision-making skills. At least, that’s what my guy classmates during high school said so. Well, everyday people make a lot of on-the-spot decisions and that goes the same with games. It’s possible that playing games really helps me, and maybe that’s one reason I like this hobby.

Playing games is not that bad at all. It doesn't really affect my studies very much. Plus, it kind of became my little escape from this stressful life.